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Self Storage Websites
That Keep Move-Ins Flowing

Attract, convert, and retain more tenants with the fastest websites in the self storage industry.

Self Storage Websites
That Keep Move-Ins Flowing

Attract, convert, and retain more tenants with the fastest websites in the self storage industry

What our customers are saying 

Why Mariposa?

Mariposa empowers your self-storage business to maximize its online reach. Our modern websites are designed to attract and convert leads, turning clicks into customers. Experience a boost in online visibility, engagement, and ultimately, occupancy rates with Mariposa.

Automation for Every Occasion _ Remote Management

Automation For Every Occasion
Remote Management

Automate report sends, delinquency timelines, tenant move-ins, and so much more.

Simple to train For Happy Managers

Simple To Train

For Happy Managers

Intuitive design that just make sense. Runs on the cloud, so lag won't slow you down. Live support and video guides available.

rate management center Revenue Management

Rate Management

Revenue Management

Control rates for single or multiple stores. Automate rents based on occupancy. Set triggers for promotions when needed.

Stay Informed _ Keep Investors Happy

Stay Informed

Keep Investors Happy

Know where your money's at. Pre-made and customizable reports for any situation. Schedule your reports days or months ahead.

Self Storage Legal Network _ Compliance Certainty

Self Storage Legal Network


All our processes and documents are vetted by the Self Storage Legal Network. We have exclusive rights to this network. Stay compliant with your state’s processes
touchless rentals Move-Ins Made Easy


Move-Ins Made Easy

Mariposa provides the convenience today's customers expect with “touchless” rentals, allowing tenants to complete the entire rental process without ever leaving your website.

Reserve or rent any of your units online

Verify your tenant’s identity online, in seconds

Provide gate and unit access automatically


Unbeatable Website Performance

Our passion for innovation drives us to deliver “best-in-class” website performance, creating a smooth, engaging experience that converts online visitors into happy tenants.

Test one of our websites ( HERE.

Now test your website using the same test.

Faster websites lead to better conversions

Best In Class Page Speeds _ Fast Websites
Show Up _ Built to Rank on Search


Built To Rank on Search

Mariposa was built with SEO & SEM industry best practices to ensure that your website will be ranked higher, attract more prospects, and increase visibility online.

We do the heavy lifting and build your website

Built with search industry best practices

Multiple templates to offer a modern user experience


Know Who's Renting

Mariposa's built-in Online ID Verification prioritizes security and convenience, saving time and minimizing the potential for fraud.

Your tenants can skip a trip to your office

Identity verification just takes a few seconds for your tenants

Not just fast, our 128-point inspection is safe and secure

Online ID Verification _ Know Whos Renting
Value Pricing to Make More Money


Make More Money

Mariposa’s Value Pricing feature empowers you to outsmart, not outspend, your competitors by maximizing revenue through your self-storage website.

Showcase your best, and most profitable spaces

Provide upsell opportunities for your stores

Customize your good, better, and best options


Supercharge Your Site

Our commitment to serving the community of independent operators means continuously expanding our platform’s compatibility with your favorite vendors.

Integrate your favorite third-party vendors

Compatibility with vendors is continuously growing

Works with most common vendors off the bat

Integrations Supercharge Your Site

The Fastest Websites In The Industry.


Schedule a 1:1 demo with our team!

Learn more about Tenant's platform and speak to a team member today. 

Your call will be handled by:

Hanna Bevan-sm

Hanna Bevan

Business Development Representative

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